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Rodent Pest Control and Exterminators

Our world is full of bugs, vermin, and creepy-crawlies that want to share our living and work spaces. Some of them might not be as common as others, but Lloyd Pest Control’s exterminators are skilled at handling just about anything quickly and efficiently, using only the most scientifically-advanced methods.

Rodents, for example, are not a problem… until they are. We don’t see the populations that the East Coast does (heck, there are so many in New York that they should be paying taxes) but that doesn’t mean we don’t have our share of mice and rats in San Diego, Orange and Riverside counties.

When you see rodents in your home, you can either call Lloyd Pest Control immediately, or leave it up to your cat. Rats and mice carry disease, and can contaminate and deplete food stores, and should be dealt with as soon as possible. The benefit to working with us is we’ll clean up after we’re finished; your cat probably won’t, and you let that guy sleep in your bed.

There Are Three Rodents That We Encounter in Southern California:Roof Raf

Roof Rats ( Rattus rattus )

Roof rats like to to get high… no we’re not talking about some bong-smoking rodent (although that might explain their love of cheese) – roof rats prefer to live in high places like power lines, beams and rain gutters. When the weather gets cold, they will venture into homes and workplaces. These rats are dark gray or black colored, can grow up to 8″ in length, and are recognizable by the scaly, worm-like tails that rail behind them. Roof rats are known to bite.

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Norway Rat or Sewer Rat ( Rattus norvegicus )

Norway RatThese are the guys that New Yorkers will know. Eeeyyy getaload of this freakin’ rat, amiright? Norway rats are the largest species of commensal rodents (i.e. they live with humans) and due to their size, they prefer to remain on the ground. They burrow in nests at ground level, and often stay within 100 feet of their homes. Norway rats are more social than roof rats, and aren’t afraid to enter residences. But don’t take their social behavior as friendliness – these pests will bite, and with teeth strong enough to chew through PVC pipe, that’s one nasty chomp. Oh yeah, you can also contract one of the millions of diseases they carry with them, so stay away.

House Mouse ( Mus musculus )

House MouseHouse mice are the most common commensal rodent in the world. With tiny eyes and big ears, they’re far cuter than any rat (#sorrynotsorry, rats), but don’t be fooled: these vermin contaminate food stores and are direct carriers of many human diseases. Plus, they like to get biz-ay, if you know what we mean. One female can have a litter of up to eight babies eight times each year. These rodents will only bite if threatened or confronted.

How Lloyd Can Protect You Against Rodents

Lloyd Pest Control offers a wide range of services for rodent elimination. A supervisor will thoroughly inspect your home, making exclusion recommendations to keep more rats and mice from entering. He’ll check for evidence like droppings, nest materials, gnaw marks, etc. Besides using traps (which are enjoying their third century of use), we also employ glue boards, self re-setting live traps, and, in some situations, bait stations. A supervisor will check back every 2 or 3 days to clear and re-set traps.