The Frustrating Factors That Have Helped Bed Bugs Flourish

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“Goodnight. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Despite bed bugs living among humans for eons, there was a point in time when these blood-sucking bugs were so rare in the United States that some Americans didn’t even know they existed. If you were one of these people, you may have once believed they […]

Pests Don’t Celebrate Labor Day: Check Your Home

This Labor Day you might find yourself with your feet up and the television on, what you won’t find is pests around your home taking it easy. Pests can invade your home any time of the year, they don’t take days off. The good news is that you can help keep your home pest-free with […]

Bed Bugs: The Wrong Kind of Vacation Souvenirs

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For some of us, summer is the time of year when vacation and travel peak. It brings adventure, excitement and, for some, the needed decompression from everyday life. Unfortunately for us it is via our regular travels that bed bugs often reach our homes. Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of […]

Prevent Bed Bugs from Going Back to School

With the new school year upon us, college students are returning to campuses for the upcoming semester. Whether they are excited to see their roommates, or dread going back to such small living quarters, we understand that there is more to dorm life than simply sharing a room with a fellow peer.  College dorms and […]

How to Avoid Bed Bugs while Traveling

As people begin to hit the road and embark on trips this summer, be on the lookout for bed bugs. A recent study conducted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and the University of Kentucky found that bed bug infestations are on the rise in many places. In fact, 80% of pest professionals surveyed […]